Friday, February 26

Fruit facts: Apple health benefits

Apple fruit factsNutrition factsFacts about health benefits
Apple fruit being packed with antioxidants and fibre is of immense health benefits.

Facts about apple health benefits for the digestive system

Apple fruit is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Pectin is the predominant soluble fibre in this fruit.
It contains 1-1.5% pectin. Pectin is also useful both against diarrhea and constipation.
The non soluble fiber in it by holding water facilitates movement of food in the alimentary canal and cleanses the colon. It also provides the bulk in the intestine and prevents constipation.
All these health benefits are achieved when raw fruit is eaten with skin.

Facts about apple health benefits in cancer and heart disease

Pectin found in this fruit benefits us in removing and preventing cholesterol deposits on the walls of the blood vessels.
This fruit is rich in flavonoids and also contains vitamin C and E and other antioxidants.
The flavonoids are plant products and function as antioxidants. Apart from antioxidants like vitamin C and E, these flavonoids also help in free radical scavenging and protect our body tissues from oxidative damages.
Most of the heart health problems like atherosclerosis and cancer are caused probably due to the uncontrolled free radical activity.
Being low in sodium it is an ideal low sodium food for people suffering from hypertension.
In another study conducted it was found that women consuming at least one apple a day had 22% of reduced incidence of heart disease when compared to those who do not eat it.
Studies at various places have shown that cancer incidence, especially of colon and lung is reduced by 20% and 40% respectively on consumption of this fruit.

Facts about apple health benefits in post menopause

This fruit is a good source of trace mineral boron. Boron is required for healthy bones.
Experiments have shown that boron intake (3mg/day) reduces the calcium excretion in postmenopausal women by 44% and also activates vitamin D and the hormone estrogen.
Regular eating of this fruit gives health benefits of preventing and treating osteoporosis, common in postmenopausal phase of life.

Facts about apple health benefits for weight-loss

One of the important facts about Apple fruit is that it is very poor in fats and cholesterol and helps in weight-loss.
The complex carbohydrates in it give sustaining energy and apple is an ideal snack with health benefits of adding very less calories.
The fibre content in the apple gives a filled feeling and the health benefits of stopping people from over eating regular food.

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